man in blue suit holding hands with man in black suit

The Secret to True Integrity

Integrity is a virtue that should ideally inform our treatment of one another, whether at home, in business, at work, or while pursuing shared goals.

Over the years, I have developed what I believe is a helpful framework for understanding the essential nature of integrity.

I see integrity as the composite of essentially five commitments:

  • Act Rightly – do the right thing for no reason other than it’s the right thing.
  • Speak Truthfully – be appropriately honest about what you really think and feel.
  • Show Consistency – be the same person regardless of your context.
  • Allow Transparency – let others validate your credibility by independent examination.
  • Take Responsibility – admit your mistakes and make amends where you can.

I discuss these in detail here, so if you want to know more about how these five things shape our integrity, follow the link and listen.

That said, I’ve realised that something else is essential to integrity, without which the practices mentioned above could be less than truly integrous.

That essential something is “intent”, the reason or motive for doing any of the above.

Sincere and selfless (or at least mutually beneficial) intention is the hidden element in the chemistry of integrity that makes it what it ought to be.

For instance, intention is the difference between manipulation and persuasion.

Persuasion is my attempt to convince you for your benefit, and manipulation is my attempt to convince you for my benefit.

As paradoxical as it may sound, you can speak truthfully with dishonest intent.

You can take responsibility with a selfish hidden agenda.

You can do what is right for all the wrong reasons.

You may attempt to create the appearance of integrity in one area of your life (by pursuing all of the above-mentioned integrity attributes) only because you want to cover up a lack of integrity in another area of your life.

The point is simply this: why we do what we do is ultimately what makes integrity the virtue that it is. At the heart of integrity is an intent that is genuinely loving, selfless, and others-centred.

Follow Tim Healy:

Speaker | Author | Mentor | Theological Educator

Born in Johnannesburg, South Africa, and currently residing in Perth, Western Australia, Tim is a husband, father, speaker, author, theological educator and mentor who is deeply committed to discovering how following Jesus shapes life, faith and the future of our planet. Tim has a Masters Degree in Theology from the University of Wales and is a passionate wildlife photographer.

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